Your Results

Thank you for completing the survey – we know that many of these questions can be difficult to answer honestly. Based on your answers, listed below are some potential struggles to examine further. Click the links to learn more.

Note: The results of this survey are not professional diagnoses and not an exhaustive list of struggles. To share these results, use the Print/Download/Share Results button.

Your Results

Thank you for completing the survey – we know that many of these questions can be difficult to answer honestly. Based on your answers, listed below are some potential struggles to examine further. Click the links to learn more.

Note: The results of this survey are not professional diagnoses and not an exhaustive list of struggles. To share these results, use the Print/Download/Share Results button.

The good news is you’re not alone.

Admitting that you are powerless over your addictions, brokenness and sinful patterns is the first step towards recovery in Christ.

If you’re ready to take the next step, come and join us. Re:generation is a safe place for everyone.

If you‘re ready to take the next step, we’re ready to welcome you.