Have you ever felt unloved, or like someone’s love for you let you down? Maybe it was a family member—a father, mother, or sibling—who wasn’t there for you when you needed love. Or possibly, you felt rejected by a girlfriend, boyfriend, or a spouse. Maybe it was a time when you felt all alone, like no one loved you. There might have even been a time when you struggled to love yourself or felt unworthy of anyone’s love.

Our human need for love can easily guide our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and others. In all of us, this need can be so great that it causes us to seek love and acceptance in unhealthy ways.

Do you think that God loves you? You may not realize it yet, but truth is that every single good thing in your life, no matter how great or small, came from a God who loves you and cares about you.

The day I confessed my pornography addiction to my wife, I wasn’t sure if anyone would continue to love me. I was at risk of losing my family, job, friendship, and even my church membership. My actions had certainly not been lovable. I felt unworthy of love and alone. At that dark moment, though I had believed in God most of my life, I even questioned if God existed, and if He did exist, how could He love me?

It is easy to assume that God’s love is much like your human experience with love—that it is conditional, unpredictable, changing. However, God’s love for you goes much deeper than what you experience in human relationships. That is because His love is based on His perfect nature, not your imperfect human nature. God freely chooses to love you even when you reject His love or respond poorly to His love. He loves you not because of your goodness or because you’ve earned His favor; He loves you because He is good.

When Jesus walked on earth, He spent a lot of time healing broken people. He was often in the presence of prostitutes, adulterers, drunkards, the afflicted, and outcasts. Jesus loved and spent time with society’s rejects, demonstrating that He desires everyone to know they are loved just as they are. He wants an intimate, eternal relationship with each of us, including you.

Do you know how much God loves you? God loves you so much that He sent His only son to die so you could have eternal life with Him (John 3:16). The life of Jesus Christ was a mission of love. He loves you completely just the way you are, regardless of how you have lived your life.

After I confessed my struggles, it took me some time to be able to fully receive God’s love. I wanted to earn His love or make up for what I had done so that I would be “more lovable.” I was only ready to embrace His unconditional love when I realized that there was nothing that I could do to make God love me more and nothing I could do to make God love me less than He already loved me. His love for me is perfect and will always be perfect. And so is His love for you.

Sometimes it is easy to feel unloved, unappreciated, and unworthy of love. Yet God deeply loves you and wants a relationship with you. Are you open to receiving God’s love? He loves you unconditionally right now.

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